Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2018
Good morning, Y'all. (Mary & Bill, on Always 5 O,clock, from Greensville, SC, are starting to influence our speech!) We woke up to a cold, windy, rainy morning, but after coffee, we got going "On the Road Again".... In case you don't know -- when Cap'n Rick gives the order to "Cast Off", I have to jump. And so it went again this morning. BACK STORY: When we tie up to a dock, Zingara has two stern-lines & two bow-lines (keeping the back/front of the boat from shifting right & left) and a Spring-line (keeping her from moving forward or back). When we cast off, these 5 lines are uncletted from the dock, and then thrown onto our decks. As Rick steers the boat away from the docks, I run around the outside of Zingara, making sure we don't hit anything as we pull away. Then, once Cap'n Rick is all settled, and the course confirmed, I return out to the decks to coil & stow the li...