Catching up

The last few days have been busy with unpacking the car, and repacking our stuff into the boat. So, here's our bedroom, the aft cabin. We're getting as much as we can stowed -- what ever doesn't fit, will go back home to Michigan. I guess we really didn't need it anyway! So, how do you like our "bread box"? The other day, we took Zingara out on our Maiden Voyage, with Rick maneuvering the boat without a co-pilot. (Can you tell he didn't want his picture taken?) and I even took a turn at the helm, up on the flying bridge. And since, I actually made dinner in the galley, have enjoyed many breakfasts with coffee and fruit, and even overnight guests (Maggie & Mike Allen), I'm beginning to think that we going to make it, and will probably really enjoy, this Living-on-a-Boat Adventure!